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How To Handle An Android POS?


All In One Smart Payment Android POS

How to handle an Android POS?
First, the merchant applies to the customer service, and then the sales staff will directly come to the service to help the merchant register and install the machine. At the same time, merchants are required to have legally operated fixed premises, have a relatively high reputation, and have the ability to continue operations, so they can successfully handle it.
Secondly, before transacting an android POS, a merchant applying for a POS machine needs to prepare some basic information, such as an ID card, business license, bank card, merchant information, business license, and power of attorney.
In addition, after obtaining the android POS, the merchant first scans the QR code behind the fuselage with a professional salesperson or to enter the necessary information content. After completing this step, you can apply to activate the android POS. When the android POS terminal is activated, the merchant will receive an activation code message, and then enter the activation code number into the android POS, you can successfully activate.
Next, the merchant downloads and pulls the APP, and registers relevant information, and clicks OK in the service agreement.
Finally, the merchant then conducts security authentication on its own settlement account. After the audit is passed, the processing steps have been completed and the android POS can be used normally.